Blogs and stories
I wanted a place to share news and information about our life independently. Something less noisy and distracted than facebook or the like, so here we are.
Similarly I wanted to be in control of the images so have built a Lightroom gallery to make it easy for our better photos (there aren’t just phone cameras out there you know) to be shared.
Learning and growing
Lastly, a controlled and safe space to develop some basic web skills this seemed like a fun way to do a few little projects with kids.

- How to make a Minecraft UteHi, I wanted to share a quick post to help you make a Ute and get some basic tips you can apply to making other vehicles. There is a short video at the end to see the build steps from a few angles. Step 1 – Place the wheels Use 4 black wool blocks and… Continue reading How to make a Minecraft Ute
- Imogen’s guide to Greek MythologyIntroduction The ancient Greek civilisation stretched across the Mediterranean, but all parts and sides shared lots of the same hero’s and gods. The stories that are told about these figures are called Greek Myths. Myths helped the ancient Greeks to understand the world around them. This was something I found out very quickly when I… Continue reading Imogen’s guide to Greek Mythology
- Baking in LockdownToday (27.6.2021) is the first day of the latest Sydney lockdown. So for a fun activity we took a stroll to Summer Hill to get some baking supplies. Tackling the ever challenging “cup cake” was our mission. Requests were taken for flavours, there was a family split, 50% craving chocolate and 50% voting for vanilla.… Continue reading Baking in Lockdown
- Hello world!The obligatory origin post! We are sat here building out the first version of Sam T & Rebecca Q Stephens 🙂 You could say it “”?